Porque vivir es difícil. 
Conversaciones con Javier Carvajal Ferrer

Date: 2002
Author: Eduardo Delgado Orusco
Publication: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad Camilo José Cela
Pages: 139

In the course of the research I was conducting for my PhD dissertation, and in the wider context of my own concerns regarding the state of sacred art, I contacted the architect Javier Caravajal Ferrer.

Our conversations-his wisdom- animated many long afternoons during the cold month of January in Madrid. With an equal passion and knowledge Javier Caravajal addressed the modernization of the Spanish architecture within an international context, or from the perspectives of the illusions and excesses awakened by the Vatican II. The account of all these issues stemmed from the knowledge of someone that didn’t renounce to live but that instead chose to be the protagonist of his times.

Today all these opinions gain a fresh urgency. Some of them, due to this fin de siècle situation that awakens lost sensibilities of the millennium, others due to the polemic reappearance of critical texts on architecture that address the subject of the modernization of our architecture, and relating it in a confusing fashion to political tendencies.