Place: Madrid
Date: 2013-2015
Developer: VYOSA
Design/direction: Eduardo Delgado Orusco
Team: Javier Rincón Sánchez, Miguel Quirós Esteban, Rubén Sesmero Blanco
Within the framework of the Strategic plan for the Beatriz Building, inaugurated in 1975 in Madrid, which consisted in actualization project; we were commissioned the refurbishing of the 7th floor where the higher executive management of the fourth financial entity of the country is located.
Instead of choosing an office model derived from modern design orthodoxy, we worked with more contemporaneous features based on transparency, perception and communication. These ideas, widely debated with the board of management of the entity, were favorably received because they matched the new culture of these entities based on the renovation of their image.
Likewise, the work in this office tries to understand and support the structural configuration of the building, one of the first to employ the concept of load bearing ‘skin’- that grants it a very particular image- as well as a central nucleus equally resistant that we wrapped with a continuous wooden skin including all the storage material of the floor, including documents, thus liberating the offices from this storage function.